Patterns: |
Since: | 1.4, 2.1.1 (ban reason), 2.5 (timespan), 2.9.0 (kick) |
Bans or unbans a player or an IP address.
If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned.
A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead.
We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.
Note that banning people does not kick them from the server.
You can optionally use 'and kick' or consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.
If a reason is given, it will be shown to the player when they try to join the server while banned.
A length of ban may also be given to apply a temporary ban. If it is absent for any reason, a permanent ban will be used instead.
We recommend that you test your scripts so that no accidental permanent bans are applied.
Note that banning people does not kick them from the server.
You can optionally use 'and kick' or consider using the kick effect after applying a ban.
unban player
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
ban and kick player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
ban ""
IP-ban the player because "he is an idiot"
ban player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
ban and kick player due to "inappropriate language" for 2 days
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4 |
Breaks the block and spawns items as if a player had mined it
You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block
(ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)
You can add a tool, which will spawn items based on how that tool would break the block
(ie: When using a hand to break stone, it drops nothing, whereas with a pickaxe it drops cobblestone)
on right click:
break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe
break clicked block naturally
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
break loop-block using player's tool
loop blocks in radius 10 around player:
break loop-block naturally using diamond pickaxe
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Requirements: | Paper 1.16+ |
Interrupts the action entities may be trying to complete.
For example, interrupting eating, or drawing back a bow.
For example, interrupting eating, or drawing back a bow.
on damage of player:
if the victim's active tool is a bow:
interrupt the usage of the player's active item
if the victim's active tool is a bow:
interrupt the usage of the player's active item
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2-dev34 |
Only usable in commands. Makes it so the current command usage isn't counted towards the cooldown.
command /nick <text>:
executable by: players
cooldown: 10 seconds
if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
# Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
cancel the cooldown
send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
set the player's display name to arg-1
executable by: players
cooldown: 10 seconds
if length of arg-1 is more than 16:
# Makes it so that invalid arguments don't make you wait for the cooldown again
cancel the cooldown
send "Your nickname may be at most 16 characters."
set the player's display name to arg-1
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4 |
Usable in events: | death, break / mine |
Requirements: | 1.12.2 or newer (cancelling item drops of blocks) |
Cancels drops of items or experiences in a death or block break event. Please note that this doesn't keep items or experiences of a dead player. If you want to do that, use the Keep Inventory / Experience effect.
on death of a zombie:
if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
cancel drops of items
on break of a coal ore:
cancel the experience drops
if name of the entity is "&cSpecial":
cancel drops of items
on break of a coal ore:
cancel the experience drops
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Cancels the event (e.g. prevent blocks from being placed, or damage being taken).
on damage:
victim is a player
victim has the permission "skript.god"
cancel the event
victim is a player
victim has the permission "skript.god"
cancel the event
Patterns: | |
Since: | 1.0 (set, add, remove, delete), 2.0 (remove all) |
A very general effect that can change many expressions. Many expressions can only be set and/or deleted, while some can have things added to or removed from them.
# set:
Set the player's display name to "<red>%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block
Set the player's display name to "<red>%name of player%"
set the block above the victim to lava
# add:
add 2 to the player's health # preferably use '<a href='#EffHealth'>heal</a>' for this
add argument to {blacklist::*}
give a diamond pickaxe of efficiency 5 to the player
increase the data value of the clicked block by 1
# remove:
remove 2 pickaxes from the victim
subtract 2.5 from {points::%uuid of player%}
# remove all:
remove every iron tool from the player
remove all minecarts from {entitylist::*}
# delete:
delete the block below the player
clear drops
delete {variable}
# reset:
reset walk speed of player
reset chunk at the targeted block
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5 |
Charges or uncharges a creeper. A creeper is charged when it has been struck by lightning.
on spawn of creeper:
charge the event-entity
charge the event-entity
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0, 2.2-dev26 (maps and potions) |
Colors items in a given color. You can also use RGB codes if you feel limited with the 16 default colors. RGB codes are three numbers from 0 to 255 in the order
(red, green, blue)
, where (0,0,0)
is black and (255,255,255)
is white. Armor is colorable for all Minecraft versions. With Minecraft 1.11 or newer you can also color potions and maps. Note that the colors might not look exactly how you'd expect. Examples:
dye player's helmet blue
color the player's tool red
color the player's tool red
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0, 2.8.0 (bungeecord command) |
Executes a command. This can be useful to use other plugins in triggers.
If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.
If the command is a bungeecord side command, you can use the [bungeecord] option to execute command on the proxy.
make player execute command "/home"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"
execute console command "/say Hello everyone!"
execute player bungeecord command "/alert &6Testing Announcement!"
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2-dev37, 2.7 (while loops), 2.8.0 (outer loops) |
Moves the loop to the next iteration. You may also continue an outer loop from an inner one. The loops are labelled from 1 until the current loop, starting with the outermost one.
# Broadcast online moderators
loop all players:
if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
continue # filter out non moderators
broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast
# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
remove 1 from {_counter}
wait a second
if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"
loop all players:
if loop-value does not have permission "moderator":
continue # filter out non moderators
broadcast "%loop-player% is a moderator!" # Only moderators get broadcast
# Game starting counter
set {_counter} to 11
while {_counter} > 0:
remove 1 from {_counter}
wait a second
if {_counter} != 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10:
continue # only print when counter is 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10
broadcast "Game starting in %{_counter}% second(s)"
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Copies objects into a variable. When copying a list over to another list, the source list and its sublists are also copied over.
Note: Copying a value into a variable/list will overwrite the existing data.
Note: Copying a value into a variable/list will overwrite the existing data.
set {_foo::bar} to 1
set {_foo::sublist::foobar} to "hey"
copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*}
broadcast indices of {_copy::*} # bar, sublist
broadcast {_copy::bar} # 1
broadcast {_copy::sublist::foobar} # "hey!"
set {_foo::sublist::foobar} to "hey"
copy {_foo::*} to {_copy::*}
broadcast indices of {_copy::*} # bar, sublist
broadcast {_copy::bar} # 1
broadcast {_copy::sublist::foobar} # "hey!"
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Damage/Heal/Repair an entity, or item.
Damage/healing will be referenced by full health amount.
If using optional 'hearts', the amount will be cut in half to represent a heart.
Damage/healing will be referenced by full health amount.
If using optional 'hearts', the amount will be cut in half to represent a heart.
damage player by 5 hearts
damage all mobs by 10
heal the player
repair tool of player
damage all mobs by 10
heal the player
repair tool of player
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.4 |
Delays the script's execution by a given timespan. Please note that delays are not persistent, e.g. trying to create a tempban script with
ban player → wait 7 days → unban player
will not work if you restart your server anytime within these 7 days. You also have to be careful even when using small delays! Examples:
wait 2 minutes
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick
halt for 5 minecraft hours
wait a tick
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.3 |
Execute an effect if a condition is true.
on join:
give a diamond to the player if the player has permission ""
give a diamond to the player if the player has permission ""
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Drops one or more items.
on death of creeper:
drop tnt
drop tnt
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4 |
Enables, disables, or reloads a script file.
reload script "test"
enable script file "testing"
unload script file ""
enable script file "testing"
unload script file ""
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0 |
Enchant or disenchant an existing item.
enchant the player's tool with sharpness 5
disenchant the player's tool
disenchant the player's tool
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.9.0 |
Requirements: | MC 1.17+ |
Enforces or un-enforce a server's whitelist.
All non-whitelisted players will be kicked upon enforcing the whitelist.
All non-whitelisted players will be kicked upon enforcing the whitelist.
enforce the whitelist
unenforce the whitelist
unenforce the whitelist
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0, 2.7 (multiple entities) |
Equips an entity with some given armor.
This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.
This will replace any armor that the entity is wearing.
equip player with diamond helmet
equip player with diamond helmet, leather chestplate, golden leggings and iron boots
equip all horses with a saddle and diamond horse armor
equip player with diamond helmet, leather chestplate, golden leggings and iron boots
equip all horses with a saddle and diamond horse armor
Patterns: |
Since: | unknown (before 2.1) |
Exits a given amount of loops and conditionals, or the entire trigger.
if player has any ore:
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
loop-block is not air:
exit 2 sections
set loop-block to water
message "%player% has no ores!"
loop blocks above the player:
loop-block is not air:
exit 2 sections
set loop-block to water
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5 |
Starts the explosion process of a creeper or instantly explodes it.
start explosion of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper
stop ignition of the last spawned creeper
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Creates an explosion of a given force. The Minecraft Wiki has an article on explosions which lists the explosion forces of TNT, creepers, etc.
Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0.
Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.
Hint: use a force of 0 to create a fake explosion that does no damage whatsoever, or use the explosion effect introduced in Skript 2.0.
Starting with Bukkit 1.4.5 and Skript 2.0 you can use safe explosions which will damage entities but won't destroy any blocks.
create an explosion of force 10 at the player
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim
create an explosion of force 0 at the victim
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5.1 |
Requirements: | Minecraft 1.15.2+ |
Makes a living entity attack an entity with a melee attack.
spawn a wolf at player's location
make last spawned wolf attack player
make last spawned wolf attack player
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2-dev21 |
Forces player(s) to respawn if they are dead. If this is called without delay from death event, one tick is waited before respawn attempt.
on death of player:
force event-player to respawn
force event-player to respawn
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Requirements: | Paper 1.17.1+ |
Make mobs left or right-handed. This does not affect players.
spawn skeleton at spawn of world "world":
make entity left handed
make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed
make entity left handed
make all zombies in radius 10 of player right handed
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.3 |
Hides a player from the hover list and decreases the online players count (only if the player count wasn't changed before).
on server list ping:
hide {vanished::*} from the server list
hide {vanished::*} from the server list
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.9.0 |
Requirements: | Spigot 1.20.5+ |
Show or hide the tooltip of an item.
If changing the 'entire' tooltip of an item, nothing will show up when a player hovers over it.
If changing the 'additional' tooltip, only specific parts (which change per item) will be hidden.
If changing the 'entire' tooltip of an item, nothing will show up when a player hovers over it.
If changing the 'additional' tooltip, only specific parts (which change per item) will be hidden.
hide the entire tooltip of player's tool
hide {_item}'s additional tool tip
hide {_item}'s additional tool tip
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4 |
Usable in events: | death |
Keeps the inventory or/and experiences of the dead player in a death event.
on death of a player:
if the victim is an op:
keep the inventory and experiences
if the victim is an op:
keep the inventory and experiences
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Kills an entity.
Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.
Note: This effect does not set the entity's health to 0 (which causes issues), but damages the entity by 100 times its maximum health.
kill the player
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats
kill all creepers in the player's world
kill all endermen, witches and bats
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.7 |
Requirements: | Paper 1.19.2+ |
Apply the same velocity as a knockback to living entities in a direction. Mechanics such as knockback resistance will be factored in.
knockback player north
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10
knock victim (vector from attacker to victim) with strength 10
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4 |
Launch firework effects at the given location(s).
launch ball large colored red, purple and white fading to light green and black at player's location with duration 1
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.3 |
Leash living entities to other entities. When trying to leash an Ender Dragon, Wither, Player, or a Bat, this effect will not work.
See Spigot's Javadocs for more info.
See Spigot's Javadocs for more info.
on right click:
leash event-entity to player
send "&aYou leashed &2%event-entity%!" to player
leash event-entity to player
send "&aYou leashed &2%event-entity%!" to player
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.4 |
Strike lightning at a given location. Can use 'lightning effect' to create a lightning that does not harm entities or start fires.
strike lightning at the player
strike lightning effect at the victim
strike lightning effect at the victim
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.3 |
Requirements: | Paper 1.12.2 or newer |
Loads server icons from the given files. You can get the loaded icon using the
last loaded server icon expression.
Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.
last loaded server icon expression.
Please note that the image must be 64x64 and the file path starts from the server folder.
on load:
clear {server-icons::*}
loop 5 times:
load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}
on server list ping:
set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
clear {server-icons::*}
loop 5 times:
load server icon from file "icons/%loop-number%.png"
add the last loaded server icon to {server-icons::*}
on server list ping:
set the icon to a random server icon out of {server-icons::*}
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Load your worlds or unload your worlds
The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist.
When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e "world_nether" must be loaded with nether environment
The load effect will create a new world if world doesn't already exist.
When attempting to load a normal vanilla world you must define it's environment i.e "world_nether" must be loaded with nether environment
load world "world_nether" with environment nether
load the world "myCustomWorld"
unload "world_nether"
unload "world_the_end" without saving
unload all worlds
load the world "myCustomWorld"
unload "world_nether"
unload "world_the_end" without saving
unload all worlds
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.3 |
Suppresses target warnings from the current script.
locally suppress missing conjunction warnings
suppress the variable save warnings
suppress the variable save warnings
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.0, 2.9.0 (severities) |
Writes text into a .log file. Skript will write these files to /plugins/Skript/logs.
NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.
NB: Using 'server.log' as the log file will write to the default server log. Omitting the log file altogether will log the message as '[Skript] [<script>.sk] <message>' in the server log.
on join:
log "%player% has just joined the server!"
on world change:
log "Someone just went to %event-world%!" to file "worldlog/worlds.log"
on command:
log "%player% just executed %full command%!" to file "server/commands.log" with a severity of warning
log "%player% has just joined the server!"
on world change:
log "Someone just went to %event-world%!" to file "worldlog/worlds.log"
on command:
log "%player% just executed %full command%!" to file "server/commands.log" with a severity of warning
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.7 |
Requirements: | Paper 1.17+, Paper 1.19.1+ (Players & Look Anchors) |
Forces the mob(s) or player(s) to look at an entity, vector or location. Vanilla max head pitches range from 10 to 50.
force the player to look towards event-entity's feet
on entity explosion:
set {_player} to the nearest player
{_player} is set
distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity
force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
on entity explosion:
set {_player} to the nearest player
{_player} is set
distance between {_player} and the event-location is less than 15
make {_player} look towards vector from the {_player} to location of the event-entity
force {_enderman} to face the block 3 meters above {_location} at head rotation speed 100.5 and max head pitch -40
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.7 |
Usable in events: | Egg Throw |
Makes the egg hatch in a Player Egg Throw event.
on player egg throw:
make the egg hatch
make the egg hatch
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.9.0 |
Requirements: | Spigot 1.20.5+ |
Makes items fire resistant.
make player's tool fire resistant:
make {_items::*} not resistant to fire
make {_items::*} not resistant to fire
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.5 |
Sets if an entity's explosion will leave behind fire. This effect is also usable in an explosion prime event.
on explosion prime:
make the explosion fiery
make the explosion fiery
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.7 |
Makes a living entity visible/invisible. This is not a potion and therefore does not have features such as a time limit or particles.
When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.
When setting an entity to invisible while using an invisibility potion on it, the potion will be overridden and when it runs out the entity keeps its invisibility.
make target entity invisible
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.3 |
Forces a player to send a message to the chat. If the message starts with a slash it will force the player to use command.
make the player say "Hello."
force all players to send the message "I love this server"
force all players to send the message "I love this server"
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Makes a sign (either a block or item) have glowing text or normal text
make target block of player have glowing text
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0, 2.2-dev26 (advanced features), 2.5.2 (optional sender), 2.6 (sending objects) |
Requirements: | Minecraft 1.16.4+ for optional sender |
Sends a message to the given player. Only styles written
in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed.
Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them.
This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players,
but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.
in given string or in formatted expressions will be parsed.
Adding an optional sender allows the messages to be sent as if a specific player sent them.
This is useful with Minecraft 1.16.4's new chat ignore system, in which players can choose to ignore other players,
but for this to work, the message needs to be sent from a player.
message "A wild %player% appeared!"
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
cancel event
send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player
message "This message is a distraction. Mwahaha!"
send "Your kill streak is %{kill streak::%uuid of player%}%." to player
if the targeted entity exists:
message "You're currently looking at a %type of the targeted entity%!"
on chat:
cancel event
send "[%player%] >> %message%" to all players from player
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5.1 |
Requirements: | Minecraft 1.14.2+ |
Opens a written book to a player.
open book player's tool to player
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0, 2.1.1 (closing), 2.2-Fixes-V10 (anvil), 2.4 (hopper, dropper, dispenser |
Opens an inventory to a player. The player can then access and modify the inventory as if it was a chest that he just opened.
Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.
Please note that currently 'show' and 'open' have the same effect, but 'show' will eventually show an unmodifiable view of the inventory in the future.
show the victim's inventory to the player
open the player's inventory for the player
open the player's inventory for the player
Patterns: | |
Spawn a particle. This system is more inline with how Bukkit deals with particles, hence the choices in the pattern.
Some particles may be affected differently by these values, so let's break them down:
`first number` = count, how many particles to spawn at once (use '0' if you notice the particle kinda flies away).
`particle` = the particle to spawn.
`using` = the data used for this particle (some particles like 'block', 'item' and 'dust' require more data).
`location` = where you are going to spawn the particle.
`delta` = a vector with the maximum random offset. The position of each particle will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
Some particles use the delta to set color/direction if count is set to 0.
`extra` = the extra data for this particle, depends on the particle used (normally speed).
`force` = whether to send the particle to players within an extended range and encourage
their client to render it regardless of settings (this only works when not using `for player[s]`) (default = false)
`for %players%` = will only send this particle to a player, not the whole server.
Some particles may be affected differently by these values, so let's break them down:
`first number` = count, how many particles to spawn at once (use '0' if you notice the particle kinda flies away).
`particle` = the particle to spawn.
`using` = the data used for this particle (some particles like 'block', 'item' and 'dust' require more data).
`location` = where you are going to spawn the particle.
`delta` = a vector with the maximum random offset. The position of each particle will be randomized positively and negatively by the offset parameters on each axis.
Some particles use the delta to set color/direction if count is set to 0.
`extra` = the extra data for this particle, depends on the particle used (normally speed).
`force` = whether to send the particle to players within an extended range and encourage
their client to render it regardless of settings (this only works when not using `for player[s]`) (default = false)
`for %players%` = will only send this particle to a player, not the whole server.
make 3 of item particle using diamond at location of player
make 1 of block particle using dirt at location of target block
make 10 of poof at player with offset vector(2, 2, 2) with extra 0.5
draw 20 of dust using dustOption(blue, 10) at location above target block
draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(blue, green, 3) at location of player
draw 1 of vibration using vibration({loc1}, {loc2}, 1 second) at {loc1} with force
make 0 of shriek using 1 above target block of player
make 1 of sculk_charge using 0.1 at {_loc} with force
make 1 of block particle using dirt at location of target block
make 10 of poof at player with offset vector(2, 2, 2) with extra 0.5
draw 20 of dust using dustOption(blue, 10) at location above target block
draw 1 of dust_color_transition using dustTransition(blue, green, 3) at location of player
draw 1 of vibration using vibration({loc1}, {loc2}, 1 second) at {loc1} with force
make 0 of shriek using 1 above target block of player
make 1 of sculk_charge using 0.1 at {_loc} with force
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.7 |
Requirements: | Paper |
Make an entity pathfind towards a location or another entity. Not all entities can pathfind. If the pathfinding target is another entity, the entities may or may not continuously follow the target.
make all creepers pathfind towards player
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1
make all cows stop pathfinding
make event-entity pathfind towards player at speed 1
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2-dev28, 2.4 (sound categories), 2.9 (sound seed & entity emitter) |
Requirements: | Minecraft 1.18.1+ (entity emitters), Paper 1.19.4+ or Adventure API 4.12.0+ (sound seed) |
Plays a sound at given location for everyone or just for given players, or plays a sound to specified players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Playing resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default.
When running 1.19+, playing a sound from an entity directly will result in the sound coming from said entity, even while moving.
If the sound is custom, a location emitter will follow the entity. Do note that pitch and volume
are reflected based on the entity, and Minecraft may not use the values from this syntax.
If using Paper 1.19.4+ or Adventure API 4.12.0+ you can utilize sound seeds. Minecraft sometimes have a set of sounds under one sound ID
that will randomly play, to counter this, you can directly state which seed to use.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
When running 1.19+, playing a sound from an entity directly will result in the sound coming from said entity, even while moving.
If the sound is custom, a location emitter will follow the entity. Do note that pitch and volume
are reflected based on the entity, and Minecraft may not use the values from this syntax.
If using Paper 1.19.4+ or Adventure API 4.12.0+ you can utilize sound seeds. Minecraft sometimes have a set of sounds under one sound ID
that will randomly play, to counter this, you can directly state which seed to use.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
play sound "block.note_block.pling"
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}
play sound "BLOCK_AMETHYST_BLOCK_RESONATE" with seed 1 on target entity for the player #1.20.1+
play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 0.5 to the player
play sound "" in jukebox category at {speakerBlock}
play sound "BLOCK_AMETHYST_BLOCK_RESONATE" with seed 1 on target entity for the player #1.20.1+
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.3 |
Usable in events: | server list ping |
Requirements: | Paper 1.12.2 or newer |
Sets whether all player related information is hidden in the server list.
The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the
hover hist when hiding player info.
The version string can override the ???.
Also the Online Players Count and
Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.
The Vanilla Minecraft client will display ??? (dark gray) instead of player counts and will not show the
hover hist when hiding player info.
The version string can override the ???.
Also the Online Players Count and
Max Players expressions will return -1 when hiding player info.
hide player info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info
hide player related information in the server list
reveal all player related info
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.3 |
Change visibility of a player for the given players.
When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.
Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.
When reveal is used in combination of the hidden players expression and the viewers are not specified, this will default it to the given player in the hidden players expression.
Note: if a player was hidden and relogs, this player will be visible again.
on join:
if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
hide the player from all players
reveal hidden players of {_player}
if {vanished::%player's uuid%} is true:
hide the player from all players
reveal hidden players of {_player}
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.3.2 |
Poison or cure a creature.
poison the player
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison
poison the victim for 20 seconds
cure the player from poison
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0, 2.2-dev27 (ambient and particle-less potion effects), 2.5 (replacing existing effect), 2.5.2 (potion effects), 2.7 (icon and infinite) |
Apply or remove potion effects to/from entities.
apply ambient swiftness 2 to the player
remove haste from the victim
on join:
apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player
apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4
apply potion effects of player's tool to player
apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player # Hide potions
remove haste from the victim
on join:
apply infinite potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player
apply potion of strength of tier {strength::%uuid of player%} to the player for 999 days # Before 1.19.4
apply potion effects of player's tool to player
apply haste potion of tier 3 without any particles whilst hiding the potion icon to the player # Hide potions
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0, 2.2-dev24 (replace in multiple strings and replace items in inventory), 2.5 (replace first, case sensitivity) |
Replaces all occurrences of a given text with another text. Please note that you can only change variables and a few expressions, e.g. a message or a line of a sign.
replace "<item>" in {textvar} with "%item%"
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond
replace every "&" with "§" in line 1
# The following acts as a simple chat censor, but it will e.g. censor mass, hassle, assassin, etc. as well:
on chat:
replace all "kys", "idiot" and "noob" with "****" in the message
replace all stone and dirt in player's inventory and player's top inventory with diamond
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2, 2.8.0 (returns aliases) |
Makes a trigger (e.g. a function) return a value
function double(i: number) :: number:
return 2 * {_i}
function divide(i: number) returns number:
return {_i} / 2
return 2 * {_i}
function divide(i: number) returns number:
return {_i} / 2
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.9.0 |
Requirements: | Spigot 1.19.4+ |
Causes a bell to ring.
Optionally, the entity that rang the bell and the direction the bell should ring can be specified.
A bell can only ring in two directions, and the direction is determined by which way the bell is facing.
By default, the bell will ring in the direction it is facing.
Optionally, the entity that rang the bell and the direction the bell should ring can be specified.
A bell can only ring in two directions, and the direction is determined by which way the bell is facing.
By default, the bell will ring in the direction it is facing.
make player ring target-block
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Save all worlds or a given world manually.
Note: saving many worlds at once may possibly cause the server to freeze.
Note: saving many worlds at once may possibly cause the server to freeze.
save "world_nether"
save all worlds
save all worlds
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.2-dev37c, 2.5.1 (block data support) |
Makes a player see a block as something it really isn't. BlockData support is only for MC 1.13+
make player see block at player as dirt
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]
make player see target block as campfire[facing=south]
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.4 |
Request that the player's client download and switch resource packs. The client will download
the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete.
The URL must be a direct download link.
The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way.
The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using
this online tool.
The resource pack request action can be used to check
status of the sent resource pack request.
the resource pack in the background, and will automatically switch to it once the download is complete.
The URL must be a direct download link.
The hash is used for caching, the player won't have to re-download the resource pack that way.
The hash must be SHA-1, you can get SHA-1 hash of your resource pack using
this online tool.
The resource pack request action can be used to check
status of the sent resource pack request.
on join:
send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player
send the resource pack from "URL" with hash "hash" to the player
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0 (cows, sheep & snowmen), 2.8.0 (all shearable entities) |
Requirements: | Paper 1.19.4+ (all shearable entities) |
Shears or un-shears a shearable entity with drops by shearing and a 'sheared' sound. Using with 'force' will force this effect despite the entity's 'shear state'.
Please note that..:
- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable
- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible
Please note that..:
- If your server is not running with Paper 1.19.4 or higher, this effect will only change its 'shear state', and the 'force' effect is unavailable
- Force-shearing or un-shearing on a sheared mushroom cow is not possible
on rightclick on a sheep holding a sword:
shear the clicked sheep
chance of 10%
force shear the clicked sheep
shear the clicked sheep
chance of 10%
force shear the clicked sheep
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.4 |
Shoots a projectile (or any other entity) from a given entity.
shoot an arrow
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper
make the player shoot a creeper at speed 10
shoot a pig from the creeper
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.9.0 |
Sorts a list variable using either the natural ordering of the contents or the results of the given expression.
Be warned, this will overwrite the indices of the list variable.
Be warned, this will overwrite the indices of the list variable.
set {_words::*} to "pineapple", "banana", "yoghurt", and "apple"
sort {_words::*} # alphabetical sort
sort {_words::*} by length of input # shortest to longest
sort {_words::*} based on {tastiness::%input%} # sort based on custom value
sort {_words::*} # alphabetical sort
sort {_words::*} by length of input # shortest to longest
sort {_words::*} based on {tastiness::%input%} # sort based on custom value
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5 |
Stops or restarts the server. If restart is used when the restart-script spigot.yml option isn't defined, the server will stop instead.
stop the server
restart server
restart server
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.4, 2.7 (stop all sounds) |
Requirements: | MC 1.17.1 (stop all sounds) |
Stops specific or all sounds from playing to a group of players. Both Minecraft sound names and Spigot sound names are supported. Resource pack sounds are supported too. The sound category is 'master' by default. A sound can't be stopped from a different category.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
Please note that sound names can get changed in any Minecraft or Spigot version, or even removed from Minecraft itself.
stop sound "" for the player
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sounds for all players
stop sound in the record category
stop playing sounds "ambient.underwater.loop" and "ambient.underwater.loop.additions" to the player
stop all sounds for all players
stop sound in the record category
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.5.1 |
Requirements: | Minecraft 1.15.2+ |
Makes an entity swing their hand. This does nothing if the entity does not have an animation for swinging their hand.
make player swing their main hand
Patterns: | |
Since: | 1.0 |
Teleport an entity to a specific location.
This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect.
The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed,
which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.
This effect is delayed by default on Paper, meaning certain syntax such as the return effect for functions cannot be used after this effect.
The keyword 'force' indicates this effect will not be delayed,
which may cause lag spikes or server crashes when using this effect to teleport entities to unloaded chunks.
teleport the player to {homes::%player%}
teleport the attacker to the victim
teleport the attacker to the victim
Patterns: | |
Since: | 2.3 |
Sends a title/subtitle to the given player(s) with optional fadein/stay/fadeout times for Minecraft versions 1.11 and above.
If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use:
Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.
If you're sending only the subtitle, it will be shown only if there's a title displayed at the moment, otherwise it will be sent with the next title. To show only the subtitle, use:
send title " " with subtitle "yourtexthere" to player
.Note: if no input is given for the times, it will keep the ones from the last title sent, use the reset title effect to restore the default values.
send title "Competition Started" with subtitle "Have fun, Stay safe!" to player for 5 seconds
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players
send title "Hi %player%" to player
send title "Loot Drop" with subtitle "starts in 3 minutes" to all players
send title "Hello %player%!" with subtitle "Welcome to our server" to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
send subtitle "Party!" to all players
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.8.0 |
Determines whether living entities are able to pick up items or not
forbid player from picking up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player
on drop:
if player can't pick up items:
allow player to pick up items
send "You can no longer pick up items!" to player
on drop:
if player can't pick up items:
allow player to pick up items
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Creates a tree.
This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass
but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.
This may require that there is enough space above the given location and that the block below is dirt/grass
but it is possible that the tree will just grow anyways, possibly replacing every block in its path.
grow a tall redwood tree above the clicked block
Patterns: |
Since: | 2.0 |
Makes an entity ride another entity, e.g. a minecart, a saddled pig, an arrow, etc.
make the player ride a saddled pig
make the attacker ride the victim
make the attacker ride the victim
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0 |
Grant/revoke a user operator state.
op the player
deop all players
deop all players
Patterns: |
Since: | 1.0, 2.6.1 (with section), 2.8.6 (dropped items) |
Spawn a creature. This can be used as an effect and as a section.
If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world.
You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'.
Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
If it is used as a section, the section is run before the entity is added to the world.
You can modify the entity in this section, using for example 'event-entity' or 'cow'.
Do note that other event values, such as 'player', won't work in this section.
spawn 3 creepers at the targeted block
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
set name of the zombie to ""
spawn a ghast 5 meters above the player
spawn a zombie at the player:
set name of the zombie to ""